Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Of cookies and troubled soul

I'm going through a hiccup in my usually not-so-stress-free life when a disgruntled ex employee threatened to sue for wrongful termination. And i am handling it the way i always handle any hiccups in my business or life - over coffee , cookies and dua. My bestfriend Wid surprised me at the shop today with two jars of these delicious cookies.

Chocolate Macadamian Cookies made with the richest chocolate chunks nestled between bits of heavenly macadamian nuts. They were definitely food for the troubled soul , as i like to call it .
She mainly makes for friends , but i keep on telling her than she should bottle this up and make millions. They're wayyyy better than Famous Amos . I've finished one jar , and hid the other one in the oven from hubs.

Oh, the sweets pot at right was left at the shop from a supplier . Thank you June ! She sent me Fererro Rocher last week and sent another Xmas treat this week - flower foodie in a pot : marshmellows dipped in colored sugar and cookies. Its almost felt like the universe is picking up on my negative vibe , and offers sweets for consolation . At any rate , I love it !


  1. Awwhhh..anything for a friend in need Sharmi. Anyway..tu je pun yg I can do to help. I am no good for anything else..hehe.

    Apa-apa pun...i pray that all your troubles will be resolved very very soon ya.


  2. you are too modest! if you can make lots of these , i'll definitely put them in my shops (although i cannot guarantee that i will let the customers buy them - keep them to myself :) hehe

    Anyway , troubles are probably good practice for my patience. And reminds me that only Allah knows what is best .
