Last Saturday all of us went to the much hyped Big Bad Wolf Booksale. Needless to say , there were concerns in my mind lugging 4 kids and a huge belly to MAEPS all the way in Serdang. Is it going to be worth the drive ? Am i going to lose my mind keeping 4 kids in sight ? Am i going to find anything worth buying ? Am i going to find toilets in case Umar has to 'go' like right NOW?
And the answer to all of the above is four solid YES!
Adam, Yasmin and Aisyah selecting their choice of Horrible Sciences (RM8) series. |
There was ample shuttle busses to ferry visitors from the parking lot to Hall A where the exhibition is . As soon as we enter the hall , i knew we were going to be there a while . Rows and rows of books , pallets stacked high and tables topped mountain high with books at such low prices you wonder how they can sell it at that price ! Good thing we brought our own shopping bags because although boxes are provided , its quite a hassle dragging it while you browse. I see some people bringing luggage suitcases and pasar tolleys. GENIUS. Must be veteran regulars already lor.
Hall is spacious , ample walking and browsing space , well organized , clear signage ,
air conditioned and got lotsa toilets. |
Kids books were on average RM5 ( and these are books that i usually purchase for RM20+ to RM30+ at full priced book store.) Fictions were going at an almost fixed rate of RM8. Pop up kids books were going for either RM8 to RM12 ( and we know how expensive pop up books can be). Coffee table books were going for RM20 and hardcover celebrity chefs cookbooks were going for RM25! What a steal.
We wanted the kids to browse and really take their time to pick out the books that they wanted to read, so we didnt rush them other than giving them the occasional reminder of "dont buy this book for its cover aaa". Another good thing the organizers did was to shrink wrap almost all books , so they're all still in mint condition when you purchase them , knowing how itchy little fingers can be rough flipping the pages.
By the time the kids picked out everything , we were there 3.5 hours ! I didnt get a chance to browse the sections i wanted to go so i'll probably go there again by myself sans kids to get my books. Check out was a breeze with plenty of counters open , and 3 staff manning each counter. All i can say is this is a well thought out , well organized event almost equivalent to the professional trade fairs i've been overseas. And best of all , i was able to stock up our home library without burning a hole in my pocket.
Our bounty , well almost all our bounty . Got one more plastic bag lupa nak keluarkan. 35 good books for everyone in the family . Very happy. |
Those of you interested to go , its on until 16 October 10am to 9 pm at the Malaysian Agro Exposition Park in Serdang. Cepat pergi !